Covid-19 Flags

We were inundated with COVID-19 data on a daily basis, making it nearly impossible to escape its constant presence in our lives. Wherever we turned, we were confronted with updated statistics on infection rates and casualties, seemingly changing by the minute. This pandemic, a global crisis of immense proportions, led us to instinctively ponder how we could contribute and effectively communicate our shared experiences. As we compared data across countries, we were reminded of the far-reaching impact of this global evil.

One day, while reading yet another CNN article on the rapid surge of infections in the United States, I came across an image of a flag associated with the article. This prompted me to embark on a journey of exploration, studying the flags of different countries. It became clear to me that the majority of flags were comprised of bars, like graphic representations of data. This realization sparked an idea—a way to bridge the gap between what we saw most frequently those days (numbers) and what people most readily identified with when thinking of their country (their national flag). I felt compelled to start sketching right then and there.

My overarching goal was to transform these seemingly abstract numbers into tangible visuals that everyone could understand. I wanted to demonstrate how these numbers shaped and defined a country, by reimagining the universally recognized symbol of each nation—their flag.

This creative initiative garnered international attention and was featured by ACT. Responsible as one of 62 selected campaigns under the "Ad for Good" category. You can find more information about this recognition on the ACT "Ad for good"

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